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through the legacy of Robert Cochrane

A collection of letters and articles written by Roy Bowers (Robert Cochrane)

--- by Roy Bowers

In fulfilling our dute as legacy holders of the spirit of Robert Cochrane within the Clan of Tubal Cain, we are happy for these documents to remain available to the public and are offered free of charge through the links below.  This is through our legal authority and granted on behalf of the copyright owner, the Estate of E.J. Jones. (Legaliter listed here.)

We politly request that these materials are accessed for fair and personal use only and not for reproduction or publication in any media.

©Estate of E.J. Jones, All rights reserved.


1)  Bill Gray -- Six letters penned to Bill Gray in England.

2)  Joe Wilson -- Founder of TOTEG, Metista, and 1734 Traditional Craft

3)  Norman Gills -- A cunning man in England.

ARTICLES -- Four articles written for various occult magazines

1)  Faith of the Wise -- Pentagram, August 1965

2)  On Cords -- Pentagram, March 1965

3)  Witch's Esbat -- New Dimensions, November 1964 (or 65), Vol. 2, No. 10

4)  The Craft Today -- Pentagram, November 1964


The Ash Tree -- a poem written after a meeting in 1963